Blood Will Tell is a fun hack and slash game that has A LOT of boss fights. Some of the fights were the same boss you fought earlier but at a higher level that hit harder. You gain your missing body parts and chakra points that boost your stats instead of leveling up by fighting. By the end of the game, you are very powerful after defeating all the bosses and it is well needed for the final boss encounter. Some parts or levels were a bit annoying and I had to use some guides to assist me with a section but all in all, not rage inducing.

As far as any extra content, there isn't much you can do after you beat the game. You can try to collect all scrolls and swords in the game but some can be missed and are locked out of the story mode since you can only achieve them through Dororo's route. As far as I am aware, there is no way to go back and collect them unless you do a new game playthrough. A lack of a boss rush mode with so many bosses seems odd to be missing. Another nice feature would have been a new game plus that would have allowed you to try to collect all the missing swords and scrolls while having a new challenge.

There are so many swords to collect and some of them are really cool. They all have their own stats and features to assist you with your playthrough. I felt like even the power level of each sword did not matter since your stats were mostly handled by how many parts you have acquired in the game. Some of the best swords can be missed if you don't explore the maps.

Blood Will Tell is an all around great game. When the journey finally ended, I was sad that it was over, but was happy that I was able to assist both Dororo and Hyakkimaru in their journey to the end. If you want to try to collect all the swords and scrolls in one play through, I would highly recommend using a guide from the start.

This game was a cozy game to experience during a rainy day. The empty house feeling was present and reminded me of when I would get home to a dark house with everyone out and the need to turn on all the lights to just see every room from where I was standing. I loved exploring and seeing the story unfold of the family members through the items you came across. There was some nice surprises too and that feeling of not being alone in a huge house but all in all, a fantastic experience. The music and sound design was really great too. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys exploration and a good story. The length was also perfect as well.