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On its own, its a good game, in terms of a sequel to Dark moon, There's a lot of stuff here that are tone down. An obvious one is the combat, this game has by far the weakest out of the trilogy. Not only is it a lot more simplified than Dark moon's but it makes the ghost encounters feel effortless and boring. Speaking of ghost encounters, this game has a pretty low amount of enemy types to fight, and if that's not bad enough, their all copy and paste from Dark Moon, right down to their names (Goob/Greenie, Hammer/Slammer). They don't really improve much throughout the game and rarely get any new abilities, heck most of the time you're going to be fighting the Goob enemies.

Then there's the levels(floors) of the story mode. While I liked how they tried to mesh both the 1st and 2nd games together, it often feels empty. Basically what you do on every floor is find the Boss, get the button and go back to the elevator and go to the next floor. While most of the floors have different themes, all of them are either a straight line or circle making it feel very repetitive(And that's not mentioning the fact that you get a silhouette of the floors before you even enter them, meaning you're going into these levels with little to no surprises). It makes the idea that you're in a hotel become an after thought as these floors feel more like exhibits to a museum than actual floors to a hotel( Then again they did say they wanted to make it as un-hotel like as possible). It also doesn't help that you have to backtrack to some floors because a certain cat/mice stole your button and you have to go get them.

Speaking of cats, PolterKitty is definitely one of the worst bosses you'll come across in this game. basically once you find her you have to turn your back and wait for her to slowly creep up behind. Then once she's about to strike you flash her and vacuum up one of her tails. What makes this not fun is the fact that not only do you have to do this 3 times before she's defeated(Twice throughout the whole game), you also have to fight more ghosts along the way, and she has the health of a gem Goob so you're required to slam her.

Lastly there's the main antagonists themselves: King Boo and Hellen Gravely. At first they may seem like a major threat, but as you play through the game you start to realize: They don't really do anything. King Boo is MIA for the majority of the game and Gravely sometimes sends her cat after you and monitors you from her office, but other than that, nothing. Even their fights felt a little underwhelming at most and mediocre at best. But with that out of the way, let's move on with the positives.

The mission structures are now gone meaning you can explore the place until you're hearts content, The Scarescraper is not as grand as it use to be but you can now join a room in between floors letting you jump back into the action if something happens. Scarescraper also has hallways making easier to find you're way as well as DLC which gives you costumes that sometimes let you play on a floor based on the costume you're wearing. This also make some Goobs have 100 HP more as well so they can make the Scarescraper slightly more challenging. There's also the Screampark which is a set of minigames for couch co-op play(which doesn't have much to it but still fun in its own way). Of course there's the graphics that make this one of the best looking games on the Switch and in the series and E.Gadd calling you less in the story mode and also giving out hints from time to time so that's an improvement.
And lastly the bosses, they can be pretty hit or miss but most of them are okay. But other than that, I'd say its a good Luigi's mansion game but not the best.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2022
