Hellcard 2023

Log Status






Time Played

34h 0m

Platforms Played


Hellcard is great! It's a rouge-like deck builder that you play with friends with a number of different playstyles and challenges to overcome. I played it with two of my other friends to death last year, and we had a pretty good time every time we brought it out.

There are three different classes, Ranger, Mage, and Warrior, and each one of them have huge 'pop off' moments that are a blast to achieve. You'll get to the end of a playthrough and be one turn from a TPKO on basically every turn before you start slamming faces and clearing boards. It's high stress, big payoff -- it's great!

While in early access, they had a button on the side of the screen you could click in order to send feedback directly to the developers. We used it pretty often, and on more than one occasion we would come back and find that the game was different and our complaints solved! It was really cool! I wish more devs would do this.

(I will say that it's a game designed to be played with friends, so it's not the best single player game but I can't knock it for that.)

Give it a go!