I started Chrono Trigger a couple days ago but decided I'd also play a short game here and there on the side as to mix things up. The first ones of these I decided to play was Jumping Flash and I gotta say, it was a really nice time.

This is one of if not the first 3D platformer to come out (I dont think its actually the first) and the way it goes about being an early 3D platformer works wonders. The game is a first-person 3D platformer which is already kinda unique. Whenever you double jump tho, the camera changes to look directly below you and for a game like this where you're mostly jumping on floating platforms and your jumps are crazy high, it really does work well.

The game's also pretty atmospheric with its early 3D goodness. It has a sort of liminal space feel in certain levels and its really neat. The OST is also surprisingly good. I can't remember a single song on the top of my head rn but the whole game had some groovy tunes.

The bosses for the most part are decent. They would have been better with a strafe as without it, you're mostly just messily jumping on their heads but for the most part they're passable. The doom-like levels also weren't my favorite because again, no strafe. They felt awkward without one unlike the regular levels.

The game also has several different sets of extra remixed stages but I didn't play them. They just seem to be harder and you move faster and have 5 jumps instead of 3 but other than that, from what I've seen the actual level layouts are the same.

Yeah this was a fun time man, definitely a lot better than you'd expect for such an early 3D platformer! Also is it bad to say I think I unironically liked this more than Mario Wonder? Lol

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023


4 months ago

big jumping, these games gave me a genuine fear of digital heights with some of the precision platforming you gotta do.
@_YALP that's very understandable with how realistic it can feel with the camera looking directly under you lol

4 months ago

idk how tf to tag a comment but ur CRAZY horizon zero dawn was WACK i remember liking this game for like 5 seconds on the ps1 classic lol
@bandwidthslayer you just @ someone plus their username. tbf i dont love either i just ended up liking horizon more overall (cuz of the post-apocalyptic dino world) yeah this game was pretty rad!

4 months ago

I’ve never heard of this but after reading this I want to give it a go. I’m interested to see what you have to say about Chrono Trigger as it has been far and away my favorite game for about 30 years now.
@DVince89 yeah this game is very cool. Im gonna be honest, I definitely think chrono is a great super well made game, tho its not totally hooking me yet. either way im having fun with it and hope you're happy with my eventual review haha

3 months ago

I love how this game looks and it's unique gameplay for an early PS1 title.