I know this is a little late now but Merry Christmas everyone! I would've put this review out on Christmas but I was busy and also timed my playthrough of this game a bit wrong. Either way, hope everyone had a great holiday! I definitely did and it also ended with a bang since I played Rez.

I kinda don't have a lot to say about this one at all. The main takeaway is this game is an absolute treat visually. That's the main appeal of the game and I'm telling you, it's insane. You really just need to play it and witness it yourself cuz it's amazing and the biggest reason I'm rating it so high.

The OST is very good. I wouldn't listen to it outside of the game personally, but alongside the gameplay it's perfect and very much fits the game I think.

The actual gameplay is pretty simple actually. It's an on rails shooter that has a single powerup you can use when you obtain them and you level up and down depending on if you get hit or not. It's extremely straight-forward so it may be lacking to some people who would want a more complex game mechanically but for an audio-visual delight of a game like this, it's perfectly fine.

The game is also only like two hours long but tbh I think that's an absolute perfect length for a game like this, otherwise the wow factor might wear off if it was longer.

Like I said before, you really need to play the game yourself to see just how damn impressive the visuals are because...man they're absolutely insane. Another Dreamcast banger, this console's on fire so far!


Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023


4 months ago

I played this with rez infinite VR and it was an amazing experience. You’re right, visually just a treat. And yea the music suits the visuals very well. If you ever get the chance the extra to try the VR it’s worth it. The extra level they added was incredible. Merry Christmas
@LuluKachoo oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna play infinite at some point...looks awesome

4 months ago

The gameplay in this is very much like Panzer Dragoon. Check that out if you're looking for gameplay similar to this, with a little more added to it.
@toronikus oh yeah, I've been meaning to get into those games sometime, thanks