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Very good VN. Short and very well-paced. Fata Morgana handles its themes of empathy and acceptance in a mature manner and I quite enjoyed it. The writing is super solid and maintains a decent balance of casual dialogue and flowery narration. The first portion of the story with the doors isn't too engaging; the twists are surprising to various extents and they do a good job building up the basis for the main plot and conflict but the tragic endings can get a tad tiring and predictable. The latter part of the story focused on finding the truth behind everyone's motivations and saving Morgana, as well as the relationship between Michel and Giselle is great and enthralling. The ending ties up everything perfectly and I really liked how everyone wasn't just forgiven, but pardoned with mixed emotions. The main characters all end up feeling realistic and sympathetic regardless of the magnitude of their crimes. I also felt the VN treated its setting respectfully and didn't shy away from problems of that era in fear of offending people. The music is good and fits in most cases, but at times the vocals can be so loud that they distracted me from the reading. The art is great for the most part aside from Mell's freakishly small arm in the first chapter and I liked the character designs as well.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2021
