Surprisingly good for what it is. Didn't really have high hopes for what looked like a cash-in musou spinoff but it genuinely feels like a full-on P5 sequel. The style of the original is replicated perfectly and the new combat system does a good job of carrying over previous gameplay elements in an action format. The new characters fit in perfectly, particularly Zenkichi who's easily one of my favorite P5 characters in general now. The story is solid with a lot of fun character moments, though the first half or so is pretty formulaic with how each antagonist just happens to parallel with one of the party members. Aside from that though, the conflicts presented are engaging and the lighter side of the story nails the road-trip vacation vibes. It's just a shame a design as cute as Alice's probably won't ever appear again. The gameplay is fun for the most part. The characters all feel relatively unique and the presentation is stylish and satisfying. Also nice that they went through the effort of retaining the persona fusion system when they could've just gone the lazy route and given joker a moveset with arsene. Unfortunately, P5S has a bad problem with bloating enemy HP to where you spend every miniboss and boss fight just spamming elemental advantages and it makes them really boring. This on top of the unavoidable repetitive nature of a musou game had me feeling really tired by the end, especially with how long Akira's dungeon was. I also got annoyed with how much the characters repeated their arguments against the antagonist, especially the final boss fight where everyone sounded like a broken record. Another minor gripe would be some clunky dungeon-crawling things like invisible walls where there shouldn't be any and the little snowboarding section that felt insanely stiff and unfun. On the brighter side, the music is great and the voice acting is really natural. Overall I'm pretty pleased.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2021
