Finished all the solo content, got to platinum, still love building decks and dueling anything that isnt a tryhard meta deck..which is unfortunately a lot of them. The presentation is solid apart from the needlessly slow chain animation and it's fun opening packs as it should be. I like having a cute little duel mate hanging out on the side of my board too, but I do sorely miss the cute girls from the tag force games. I was surprised how generous they were with gems starting out then I realized just how stingy they were with them after the initial gem dump which was kind of disheartening since there's so many fun archetypes to try. I've still been able to make 5 decks with a 6th in the works so I'm not too dissatisfied but it still doesn't feel like enough. The solo mode is pretty neat but I wish more of them were as expansive as the world legacy story, the others are over too fast. Overall, while it's obviously not as quick or free as edopro, master duel is a very good free yugioh client for people who want to play something long as you can avoid getting matched up with drytron, eldlich and sky striker players. Anxiously awaiting my more recent cyberdark support.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022


2 years ago

don't forget Tri-Brigade

2 years ago

of course tri-brigade and shaddoll-invoked-dogmatika are obnoxious as well