british :/

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2022


2 years ago

There seems to have been a glitch on the site. This makes it look like you're not fond of British people? That simply cannot be true! I find it quite absurd that such a thought would even exist in one's mind. British people are, if I do say so myself, some of the most extraordinary types of people that are found in Britain. I think that if you were to give one a chance, you might even find yourself becoming rather close to a Briton. I will now take the chance to name just a small number of British people with whom I believe you could enjoy a lengthy conversation. Please do take the time to comb through, and feel free to ask any questions that may arise :)

Queen Elizabeth II
Rowan Atkinson
Sir Ian McKellen
David Bowie
Amy Whinehouse
Charlie Chaplin
Hayley Atwell <3<3<3
Chris Martin (The singer man, from Coldplay)
Alan Rickman
Dua Lipa
Michael Caine
Idris Elba
Patrick Stewart
Richard Branson
Bear Grylls
Agatha Christie
Alfred Hitchcock
Anthony Joshua
Edgar Wright
John Cleese
Simon Pegg
Bendliditch Clumdergash
Jack The Ripper
Rick Astley (from the town I used to live in!)
Simon Cowell
James Cord- (actually he's America's problem now)
George Michael
Freddie Mercury
Winston Churchill
Tom Hardy
Jason Statham
Isaac Newton
Tim Curry
Andy Serkis
Daniel Radcliffe
Malcolm McDowell

2 years ago

baby so many of these people are dead 😭

2 years ago

Only like 12 or so come on!

2 years ago

It's a British created sport yes...

2 years ago

yeah ikr?

2 years ago

Are you familiar with a sport known as American Football? Or I as it's know to Americans, "Football"?
Well you see, American Football (a name it holds despite being a sport in which an egg-shaped 'ball' is held in one's hand (as opposed to English Football AKA American 'soccer', in which a ball is kicked around using feet)) is not too dissimilar to the British sport of Rugby. However, the big difference is that you'll notice in American ""Football"", the players are all gears up like amateurs in a zombie film, with big helmets and silly shoulder armour. Whereas in the British, Rugby, the player simply twat fuck out of each other without protection. It's also quite widely known that despite the protective wear, American Footballers often cause more and more lasting damage to themselves, because they believe a small helmet with protect them from concussions. Whereas Rugby players are aware of the risks, and generally take better care of their wellbeing :)

2 years ago

you tell em 😤

2 years ago

I mean I am British, I literally don't understand what's happening here XD

2 years ago

Looking forward to sitting down with Jack the Ripper over some tea and crumpets to talk about all those people he killed.