Overall, I would say Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the third highest quality product on the Switch, coming in just behind Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey. New Horizons has potential for thousands of hours of gameplay and years of longevity for people who are still on the fence about whether to get the game. The gameplay can seem repetitive and boring from the outside, but once it has reeled you in, there is no escape and suddenly your Animal Crossing island will feel like a second home. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a stellar title, with no effort saved when it comes to the quality, abundance and detail that comes with the game.

There has not been a game that has given me this sense of calmness, joy and nostalgia despite being new to the experiences it offers in years. It is a game that can disconnect you from the harshness of reality. A genuinely pleasant experience for all.

Minecraft is a gaming great. The moments this game created for me will most likely never be matched, and of course that is childhood bias speaking. However, even playing it alone as an adult, I find myself still captivated, showing that not all of my judgement and love for this game is affected by my rose tinted glasses from my childhood. Minecraft is arguably the greatest game of all-time, and is certainly without doubt at the very least, one of the greatest.

Red & Blue birthed a juggernaut. Pokemon is what it is because of these games, with many of the elements in the modern Pokemon games being the same as Red & Blue or being only slightly tweaked, whether this is for the better or the worse is a different argument, however, it does show the influence and power Red & Blue has upon the circumstances and history of the franchise and its future titles. Despite this, it would be wrong to pretend Red & Blue's age isn't obviously shown, with the games being a product of their time in almost every capacity. Despite the slog that they are though, the fact that they were once innovative and unique will have to be taken into account when concluding their final rating.