Before I properly delved into this game I had started it and shut it off more times than I can remember. The stiff combat and bland look to everything I guess deterred me, but due to boredom, I decided to give a fair shake. All these years and I had been putting off, now, one of my favorite RPGs ever. My feeling towards combat hasn’t changed much though. As I clocked in hours with it my feelings on the combat did become more favorable. With VATs being a satisfying mechanic, and the various builds involving combat I found it to be fairly dynamic. Melee and gun combat was still stiff (mainly due to how static enemies are when normally hit) but the extra layers helped it become more enjoyable. The other aspect that bugged me originally was the bleak visuals. Somehow this playthrough I found them to be slightly more vibrant. It may have been the somewhat expressive lighting that helped, but visually it wasn't a complete eyesore. Not that good still, but bearable enough. Now the one aspect that completely swiped me off my feet was its narrative and quests. Not every what was a winner, such as most fetch quests and exterminate tasks. Those missions, though, weaved into building meaningful and complicated relationships with the various factions stationed in the world. These connections would feed into the main quest line of figuring out why the mysterious man named Benny shot you for the package you were delivering. With how many different paths available to take I was constantly enthralled because was fully in control of my story. This also gave plenty I incentive to explore since there was a chance I would find a new faction to delve into or just random characters to interact with. Every conversation has variables with character building playing a direct role in speech as well as many other facets. It’s aided further with the surprisingly well-written dialogue and complex characters. With just this along the game is highly replayable. I will have to experience this several times over to actually give my perspective on everything. It’s a dense game, but one that rewards exploration and any build that suits you most.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2020
