Skip to the very last line if you want to know if the game is good...or you can just look at the score so never mind.

I feel like I've been sleeping on this era of gaming for far too long. Although DMC isn't perfect, especially it's the first game to strive for this type of action-orientated combat, I can't help but respect the hell out of it. Luckily my praises don't stop at respecting it, but I had a great time with it. I'll admit I am not an expert in the way of executing insane combos and the such. But no matter your playstyle you'll feel comfortable here since the game is easy to learn but hard as fuck to master. However, the combat is the main course here since the rest of the game centers around it which gave presented plenty of encounters to test out new abilities and practice. The locations you fight in and the arenas the bosses take place in are claustrophobic, which ideally would be an issue for an action game of this caliber...and it kind of is. Most of the time it worked because the camera utilizes a fixed system. But when the worst possible storm of weird camera angles and cramped spaces destroy your sense of anything then it's hard not to get frustrated. I have other praises and flaws such as how hilariously campy the story is (which is a great thing) but I don't want to keep rambling. It's really really really really really good.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2021
