I can't say I was absolutely in love with every aspect of 'Dragon Age: Origins', but I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it for a majority of its runtime. 'Dragon Age II' had enjoyable moments, moments that explored the more complicated relations in the Dragon Age universe, such as the Templars and Mages. It's how they constructed, and ultimately executed said examination that left me yearning for more. The game takes place in a single city and with the amount that changes throughout the narrative the world never changed with it. This left a stagnant world that, also, forced combat scenarios without any narrative significance. Speaking of which, although choices do matter (in fact more so than I initially realized), the dialogue system was stripped bare of its organic flow that was seen in 'Origins'. Gone are the multilayered conversations and here we have, mainly, three options. Diplomatic/helpful, cheeky/charming, and aggressive/authoritative are the central choices at your disposal. This led to static conversations at times, with another downside being the protagonist's voice being a bit wooden mostly. There were moments where I enjoyed conversing with people like my companions, who had backstories and information I wanted to indulge in. Sadly, the game never allowed you to converse with them outside of their personal quests which left me waiting until they had something they wished to discuss. I can go on and on but my final feelings on the game are empty. I could go on and on but what's the point of doing so for a game that left me with such little satisfaction outside of some characters and scenes. Great moments doesn't equal a great game.