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So I put about 6 hours into the Steam version of this, was experiencing quite a few crashes, but seemed to have tempered them a bit but then I reached an issue where it would just get stuck on a loading screen and wouldn’t progress, and I decided this wasn’t worth all the effort and I’d just watch a compilation of cutscenes on youtube to get some closure on this game as I progress through my current Final Fantasy hyper-fixation.

Seemed to be doing what it could to answer the criticisms of the first game by giving you more open, explorable locations with NPC’s to talk to some of whom have side quests. Although actually doing any of them was not a particularly enticing prospect.

The good thing is the battle system is more open from the start, and the concept of having monsters fight alongside you instead of a 3rd party member does seem cool would have liked to have seen how that progressed.

Story was a lot more coherent than the first game, but it does suffer for the smaller cast of characters. It does have a good antagonist as well, someone who’s motivations are… insane but sympathetic. There's some interesting twists on the usual JRPG themes.
It also understandably has this lower budget straight to VHS sequel vibe that’s hard to shake.

There was a lot of good in the story emotionally here, but it is a bit unsatisfying that things end up being a cliffhanger for the next game. In some ways it's an incredibly brave ending, but it's obviously not going to stick.

Huh how about that. It’s the middle game of a Final Fantasy trilogy with a story about multiple timelines that ends in a tragic but uncertain fate for the female protagonist. Interesting. Mind you this one actually made a lot more sense.