this game is 25% the best game ever and 75% the worst game ever. this could have been avoided if everyone were gay

surrealist shitposting just doesn't feel as special 30 years later

15 years and still running. honestly really fun, a lot more arcade-y than other online tank games which makes it really unique in my opinion. nothing beats drifting around another tank and burning it with a flamethrower.

this fucked me up bad back in 2017

i sorted games on this site by least popular of 2016 and ended up here. the basic mechanics are sorta interesting, but there's not much reason to play around with them for more than an hour.


cool concept, looks cool, but way too short. also ps1 games didn't exist in 1986. or ghosts...

this might actually be the weirdest version of tetris in existence. why the fuck is the sountrack ameno by era.

dude this game was fucking awesome when i was a kid

i am not an mmo fan so i never played this much when it was up but i did like the artstyle and customization

i played this on switch for some fucking reason??

this game has like 5 fakeout endings and way too many original characters and i love it

it's like they took what they had in the first one, but turned it into an actual game!! pretty fun and i love getting to see all the characters in 3d. honestly would love to see a modern game use the type of shaders/aesthetic/style they had going on here.