351 reviews liked by NazoCrystal

What can u even say. I think any legitimate writing on this game probably comes off cringe. I'll just say that this thing doesn't end up working. It's a black hole with really cool art. I think I might even actually like it a bit. It's complicated

It plays like ass, which is both a compliment and an insult towards this game.

i love this game but the game doesn’t love me back, making me love it even more

worst part is, i can’t even put into words why i like it so much

an abusive relationship

Why can't more anime games look like this? Does ARCSYS simply have the special sauce?

this game was fun for a week then they patched roshi

You mean I can play as Yamcha AND Tien???

this happened to my buddy eric

i fucking love kitty horrorshow

In the psychology of the modern civilized human catgirl, it is difficult to overstate the significance of the Kitty Horrorshow.

A fun little experiment from before the world deserved to burn machine learning algorithms to hell.