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Very good game with a good bit of flaws. Combat is top notch and thrilling most of the time. The story isnt as good as the first game's in my opinion, but still cool. Some major flaws are the enemy variety and the games need for brutalism. It gets very tiring to keep running back and forth and fighting goblins every 2 minutes because of the barebones fast travel. I understand that the game has a great open world full of discovery, but if im taking the same 3 roads back and forth for quests/grinding, I want to skip the trek dammit. There are ox carts that act as fast travel between the major settlements, but they arent enough and get interrupted constantly. Also, the save system + only allowed one character can be a major turn off, especially with how easy it is to fail some quests because they are timed without knowing they are timed, or just how brutal/unclear it is to even proceed with the quests.

I do recommend this game and I did enjoy it for the most part, but understand that the game will not hold your hand and in fact just spit in your face sometimes, but you have to take it like a champ and move on.