This game is pretty much the same as the first but with better graphics being on the PS2. Mostly great gameplay and a fantastic story/dialogue. MGS2 was another masterpiece Hideo Kojima has brought into this world. I do have some minor complaints though that I feel took away from the experience. There didnt seem to be a proper tutorial? No VR missions like the first game, and a weird half baked fly by of SOME controls at the beginning. I was playing half the game without some features because I didnt know they existed until I looked up the manual!! The first person aiming is slow and awkward, especially during intense, action packed encounters. I just had to accept I was getting hit if I was to use this feature during fights. My main complaint is that I felt I was punished for stealthily taking out enemies because about 70% of the time, their radio would go off like "um Hello??? No Response??? welp better send backup and investigate". It kinda felt like the game didnt want me to play it, so I would just quickly through a room and avoid guards. At least the saving and checkpoints help alleviate some annoyance. Another complaint is... look I love Kojima's story-telling and I do like the cutscenes, but perhaps couldve used more gameplay between dialogue/cutscenes? CUTSCENE walks 5 steps DIALOGUE walks across room DIALOUGE walks through door HALF AN HOUR OF CUTSCENE repeat repeat repeat.

Dont get me wrong though, I did love this game. The story was godtier if anything a bit too many layers to it. Raiden was a fantastic and complex character. The boss fights were superb and fun lil puzzles. So many small and neat details added in as well.

Its a very good game that I enjoyed playing.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

Some very fair critiques there. Some might call me crazy but I've always preferred this over MGS3.