This is the game that changed my view on video games being pieces of entertainment to video games also being pieces of art. The Last Of Us is a beautiful crafted world with characters I ended up caring for more than any other game I've played. I really felt for Joel or Ellie so whenever they were scared, sad, or laughing so was I. The story is beautiful, haunting, scary, tragic, and even with all the dark, grim, and miserable moments in the game I still somehow feel hope. Because of these characters and this world I was completely immersed and played like I was there with them. The Last of Us is complemented by a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack composed by Gustavo Santaolalla.

I've thought about something from The Last Of Us at least once a week ever since I've played it. If you like games with great stories and characters there is no other game I would recommend above this.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022
