The Last Of Us Part II is almost as good as the original game to me, I consider TLOU1 to be one of the best games of all time and TLOU2 out shines it in many ways including obvious reasons like gameplay and graphics but also in character development and character moments that are appreciated once everything is said and done.

First off this game beautiful graphically, I can't believe how this game looks and sounds on my day 1 PS4 and I can't wait to see how it looks on PS5 when an update (or re-release) comes out. The gameplay of TLOU2 improves in every aspect from the original, from shooting, hiding, level design, enemy AI/variety and weapon variety everything is better. Their are multiple moments between characters in this game that made me full on cry, most of the writing is some of the best in gaming.

Speaking of crying, both games are very emotional but god damn TLOU2 is exhaustingly emotional at times, to the point where I had to put the controller down for awhile (not all of them are sad moments though). I get that the world of the Last Of Us isn't joyful nor do I necessarily want it to be but at times I'm sitting there wondering if some of these heavy moments are needed or even necessary. But the major reason isn't the greatest of all time is the pacing, about 40% through the game something happens (you'll know) and the momentum goes back at 0 after being on 100 while you're at the edge of your seat, extremely jarring and felt kind of robbed at what could've been the most intense part of the game. Another pace shift happens around 80-85% through but they do a better job of it.

When people say TLOU2 is their best game of all time I have no arguments, sure it has issues but no game is perfect. Part of me wonders if TLOU2 would've been better if it wasn't attached to any of the characters from the original game but still set in the TLOU world, that it would solve some of the gripes I had that would be considered spoilers. But maybe some of the emotional moments wouldn't have hit as well if that were the case. I still stand by though that TLOU2 should've been Part II and Part III with part 2 filling in more of the gap between the original and part 3 containing most of TLOU2 story. Sure it would've been more time and money to make but the characters in this series are great (both new and old) and I'm sure people would've loved to spend more time with them like I would.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022
