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NeonManta completed WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames!
ADHD: the game. Wacky and wild with the different kinds of microgames that show up, and something you can breeze through in a day. Gameplay is overall alright, but the charm and bonus content bump it up that extra point. Mad respect to the Kat level for having all its text be untranslated Japanese.

9 days ago

NeonManta completed Luigi's Mansion Arcade
Suffers the same trappings as other FPS arcade games in that you get bombarded with damage that feels impossible to fully prevent, but the novelty of the Poltergust controller and the haptic feedback of sucking up ghosts and items with it bumps up the experience. Honestly the fact that it's not only a genuine Nintendo arcade game, but Luigi's Mansion of all things gives it such undeniable charm.

12 days ago

NeonManta completed Halo: Fireteam Raven
It's a good time but like most of these FPS arcade games, they like to cheat you out of health with some bullshit hits you feel like you can't possibly prevent. Feels doubly lame when you remember Halo has a recharging shield mechanic they consciously chose to leave out for this game.

12 days ago

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