Reroll was pretty fun. $30 seems a tad steep for the amount of content sans replaying levels for the best scores. I bought it on sale for $20 and that’s a fair price for the game.

Level design is genius and truly appreciated the further you get in the game. Music is pretty hit or miss for me. Some tracks bop, others get so grating that I turn something else on over it. Controls feel a little awkward at first but once you adjust, it’s fun to accomplish tasks in spite of the physics. Unless it clips you in a gap you can’t escape.

As an introduction to Katamari, Reroll makes a compelling case for reigniting the franchise, perhaps with We Love Katamari next. When Reroll goes on sale for $20 again, it’s a fun game to chill out and feel satisfaction in watching small balls grow big.

Honestly, the worst thing about the game is how Namco, despite helping develop Smash Ultimate, decided it would be in any way a good idea to release it on the SAME DAY as Ultimate. I cannot wrap my head around it.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2021
