You know that “appeals to the male fantasy” meme? That is Doom. It appeals to the ultimate male power fantasy: shooting the biggest guns ever made and tearing apart demonic hellspawn with your bare hands like the biggest badass on the planet.

It’s been said to death only because it’s true: Doom’s campaign puts most other FPS campaigns to shame. Instead of being a little bitch and hiding behind walls while occasionally popping out to get off a few shots, Doom forces you to bounce wall-to-wall and kill demons up close. You know how Splatoon’s ink swimming mechanic creates more forward motion in its campaigns? Doom is like that except it doesn’t need a movement mechanic, because of how fast and how nimble you are. Glory kills keep things fast and fun, and fun is something Doom never lacks.

Aesthetically, the game is a treat. While the color palette tends to stick to brown and orange, there’s enough variety in the environments to keep it from looking like orange Call of Duty. And the MUSIC. The godly Mick Gordon has made me like metal, a genre I typically ignore.

The story is not necessarily great, but the lore is there to discover if you so choose. Characterization of Doomguy is good, but Eternal has already made him so much better.

Main criticisms go to the game’s difficulty, weapon mods, and a couple annoying glitches.

The Super Shotgun is bittersweet. When you first get it, it uses two shotgun ammo but does double damage which is fair. Once you upgrade it to Mastery where it only uses one shotgun ammo, it renders the normal Shotgun obsolete. And then it becomes my most used weapon. It one-shots Imps, Hell Razers, and the Possessed. It takes out tougher demons like Revenants and Summoners in two, and makes short work of even Hell Knights, Mancubi, Pinkies, Cacodemons, etc. Only times I didn’t use the Super was to hit farther targets with Gauss or rockets. Throwing items aren’t very useful, either. Why throw grenades when I have a rocket launcher that’s objectively better? And why are some of the mods either lame or inferior to others? An arcing Shotgun blast pales in comparison to a triple Shotgun blast.

A couple glitches were annoying. Codex notifs wouldn’t go away endgame even after reading them, I landed on a platform that killed me once but I landed on it the same way the next and lived, and some audio glitches. I played on Normal and died more to platforming than demons.

Doom 2016 is a breath of fresh air for FPS fans, and it has a lot of replayability thanks to secrets galore and emphasizing fun badassery over slower-paced monotony. It’s $20 new on PS4, so you have no excuse.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2021
