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9 days

Last played

February 16, 2024

First played

November 12, 2023

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I have concluded that I should stop giving too many second chances to a game just because other people say something like "one of the best of "X" thing".
This is somewhat about the same as Castle 1 but it makes that game look safe since this one has more variety than Castle 1, however, they kept their staircase fetish from 2, and the subpar graphics of both games, it can still kill you because the background can get distracting or looks like the foreground, for the third time.
My main problem with this game is that it kind of feels hard for no reason, so many precise jumps and enemy placements, you have enemies from other levels in later ones and they still kick your ass but not in a good way, 85% of the bad enemy placements in this game come from stairs; since they're very janky (since the very first game), you die because the game wants you to turn and kill the enemy but it takes 2 years because you're on a stair, or you try to use a weapon but it's very inconsistent to use it on stairs, or you take damage because an enemy is camping at the top or bottom of the stairs and you have to hope he walks 1+ extra tile back and react to that in a millisecond. Every 5 steps you have 3 enemies that can take unnecessary precision to be killed, you take damage once and then take it a million more times because the enemy is/are too close to the player, resulting in you taking more hits when trying to recompose yourself. Sometimes the precision you need is so ridiculous it almost feels like a Kaizo (and I wonder how tf do I go through a section without an alt character), yes I know that you have to take the game slowly; still, I don't wanna spend 30 minutes killing one enemy for the 546th time because you died to another bad boss (yes they're still terrible), the crows especially, those are the most bullshit enemies I've seen and when they're combined with 3 more enemies (and could be more crows) and there is water that slows you down or... s-s-s-stairs?! just no. It's the 3rd main entry and they still place enemies in checkpoints too, I also have to fast-forward each time there is a door, character swap animation, or an empty staircase because it's that slow.
The first few levels are boring but can be decent at first since you're still learning the mechanics; after that, it can depend, some are bad, some decent with solid enemy placements. There is still some fun to be had here, I don't blame the people who prefer this over 1, it has more levels, new playable characters, and more enemies, but with a more bullshit difficulty, it can be more enjoyable if you have the patience, I don't. I've seen people praising this yet saying you gotta memorize the game to beat it, if it's more about memorizing artificially rather than dying and learning from each death, I don't see how this can be fun. I could try and play this again in years when I have nothing to do. I still prefer this over the easier Japanese version, that one is the very opposite of this version and I usually prefer a game that is hard for no reason than a game that is easy for no reason. But what I prefer the most is a game that knows how to be challenging and not a [Memory Games - Play Online For Free]