4 Reviews liked by Nephilynn

essa dlc ''redimiu'' xc inteiro no perfect works do takahashi fr

learn to embrace and love the cringe y'all, cause behind it is something incredible. perfect? no. incredible? yes.

it takes something special to make you persevere through the most inane gameplay and design flaws (to clarify: i don't mean the combat, i mean the menuing, merc missions and field skills) and feel like you came out on top, and this game is really it. sure, there are tons of little things i would have loved to see fixed, and maybe if they were, people would not feel so encouraged to sh*t on this experience... but the fact that this game put itself out there as it is, and was already so good, and so widely accepted, and so much better than the first Xenoblade (dead serious.)... it is something worth celebrating

A game about finding your place in the world. Many characters in this struggle with the reason they exist and seeing them develop over the course of the game and finding their reasons is very beautiful. One character in particular I feel I relate to a lot and seeing them go from hating themself to loving themself is most definitely one of my favorite video game moments ever. I feel this game has definitely changed my life in ways no other game really has. It's not a perfect game but any problems it has gets vastly overshadowed by the feelings it's made me have.