i havent even finished it yet. but i absolutely must. say. something about it.

this game. this fucking game. this is one of the best games i have ever played. this easily, some of the most fun ive had with a game. its incredible, its fun, its engaging, it has so much variety, so much player expression, the combat is fucking awesome, fast paced, makes you FEEL powerful when it should and at the same time kicks your ass super fucking hard at moments where you definetly need to realize youve been using the same stupid build 90% of the time and should probably try different shit

over the course of two weeks, every single day i got to experience a new, fun, different play style with this game, some new weapon, maybe a new leg type, a faster mech, something more close range, long range, an absolute tank with massive, constant firepower, maybe something more modest that only takes very few hits, but if it gets close it melts the enemy HP, maybe something more balanced, a mech that hovers above everything and snipes shit out, a fucking spider ass mech with a gatling gun missile launcher bazooka and sniper all at the same time

and best of all, there are, definetly, more efficient builds, but none of them are the most efficient for everything. each mission, each fight, will need a different build if you want to do your absolute best in it. the game rewards creativity so much, and in such a noticeable way. the theory crafting of what should be most effective against a boss or to finish a mission quickly, exploring around the mission to find secrets, studying and memorizing the opponents you face during each mission to come up with the best possible solution, building your mech and testing it out, heck even just how much you can customize the mech, and then trying it out and seeing as the you fold a boss that absolutely obliterated you in half, or you, once again, are kicked in the balls and have to do the entire process again

its all

makes me want to play this again and again and again. makes me not feel pissed off or annoyed or frustrated at seeing a D, C, B or A Rank, but instead feel motivated to keep trying, to memorize enemy locations, to try out new stuff ive never used before, see if it's more effective

its such an engaging gameplay loop that hooked me so goddamn much man

and the best part of it all is
i get to experience my awesome mech piloting girl fantasies

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
