Strive is. Fun. Imo, like very fun. It's by FAR the fighting game I've put the most time into, like legit. I main Bridget and Elphelt and I can say those are incredible characters with awesome momentum (even though Elphelt needs some serious buffs). It's one of my fav games and by far my fav fighting game

And it's outta love that I have to say arcsys please balance your game a little better. I don't even play competitively. I stopped caring about towers and Celestial, pretty much only play on parks now. And it's gotten to a point where I refuse matches against some characters out of them being unfun. Yeah no I won't go around saying Axl, Faust or Johnny are unbalanced, those are just characters I personally do not enjoy playing against but that are,,, fair. Even if Axl is the most obnoxious poopoo garbage character ever put in a fighting game and the game would be better off without him ANYWAY. Happy Chaos (ofc it's HC) and Sol are 2 other characters I straight up refuse to play against <3

Everyone knows why HC is poopoo garbage to play against, sure love paying massive price for fighting game to just press forward and block for 90% of the match, and ofc HC is straight up just a character that does not belong in Strive as in he does not have to play the game
And then Sol is extremely obnoxious in how he does not let you play the game because pressing 1 singular button during his pressure and getting counterhit means death, as his combos not only do impossible to understand damage (who looked at those numbers and thought it was ok) but WA gives him some of the best momentum in the game

So yea. I love the game, but these two are a problem that need fix. Until then I'll just hop on park and refuse every match against Sol and HC (and Axl and Faust and Johnny but those are skill issue)

Reviewed on May 09, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

so true oomfie