
- Really engaging and unique story.
- Breath of fresh air with Robin having a lot of Metroidvania ''mobility options'' right from the start, with upgrades focusing almost exclusively on weapons.
- Excellent boss battles.


- The story loses steam near the end, starting to randomly introduce- or brush off characters without the deserved attention.
- More often than not, there is no visual indication when there is a collectable nearby. Doesn't matter too much for breakable walls, but it does matter for underground areas where a see-through platform or ladder is... somewhere.
- Didn't really care for the tweaks for the majority of the game, so my desire to explore wasn't too high.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2022


2 years ago

Great review sir, I find the format of pros x cons very interesting.

I 100% second that the story is excellent but falls off short from the rocket sequence onwards (although THAT boss was one of the game's highlights to me, it was so poignant and I loved it).
I'm surprised you completed the game though, I just couldn't care about the collectibles since I just didn't feel like they ultimately change much (unlike charms in Hollow Knight for example).

2 years ago

Thank you very much Vondervent! I'm currently still trying to improve these reviews by having a short conclusion as well as the pros and cons, but I'm still trying to find a balance between full reviews and summaries :)

I usually try to go for in-game completion yeah (so this doesn't count achievements for me). The treasure tweak was able to help me with most collectables, even though some were most definitely very nasty. Definitely felt it was worth it just for the extras, but I do still stand by my point that it was just really annoying to find some of them due to no visual indication where some would be.