Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/dishonored/

''If there’s one thing I can give Dishonored the highest praise for, it’s that the game allows you to play the game however you want by giving you tons of freedom. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pacifist or hate all living beings; Dishonored gives you all the resources you need to execute either playstyle. Your actions also directly affect how the remainder of the game will play out for you, as the amount of chaos you create will be reflected in a respective amount of alertness by the opposite side. The main protagonist Corvo is really fun to play as because he has so many tools and abilities on his side that compliment your alignment. I find the world of Dishonored interesting too, but I couldn’t really care about any of the characters in the game and what their fate would be so the impact of my actions didn’t affect me as much as I wanted it to do. Putting that aside however, Dishonored is a really fun game to play and it’s a definite recommendation to finish as least once, with a second recommendation being that you should try out both playstyles. Third recommendation, be sure to check out the options before- or during playing as there is a high possibility the game might make you sick (which also slightly affects my Fun rating).''

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2020
