Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/celeste/

''I think it speaks volume that someone who doesn’t really enjoy pixel-perfect platformers that much still had a great time with Celeste as a whole. This is not only because the game is very forgiving and overall not that extremely difficult when just focussing on the main game and ignoring collectables, but also because of how well it compliments the theme of the game which, without spoilers, is definitely one of the high points of the game. The level design is set up very well in that regard too, as the early parts teach you everything you need to know about a stage and its stage-specific obstacles, while later on you’re tested with variants on them and longer segments. Madeline also controls very well, with the best thing being that there are a lot of hidden speedrunner moves available from the start that the game only teaches you in the post-game levels. I do wish there was a way to cancel dashes however, and the levels allowing for little backtracking is also something I’m not fond of. Regardless, Celeste is an excellent game and I’m not surprised by the amount of love it has gotten from gamers all around the world.''

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2020
