A really engaging game about investigating a real life CIA conspiracy. You comb through archives to read real world documents about some Strange Events, pinning together a wider picture of collusion and manipulation.

Its kinda hard to sort of pin down the tone its going for. The gameplay most involves moving from upstairs to downstairs, picking up a box, opening the box, and reading the documents. To mix up this pattern, the game adds little tricks to amp up your paranoia. A phone ringing with no answer, a flickering light across the street, was that car always there..? Its a great touch but it also adds a sense of Narrative to a real life story. And because of that, its easy to expect putting together these clues will tie up in a nice tidy bow.

But the thing is, with conspiracies like this, a lot of pieces of evidence are just destroyed. Which is something the game points out! So it can't end with a big I've Solved Everything reveal. There's just a point where there's no evidence left and you just have to work with the clues you got. Frustrating for a narrative, maybe, and you can feel the difficult the game has in making a satisfying ending out of it. But its messy in a real way that I appreciate.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2021

1 Comment

1 year ago

Oh wow that's a great point! I was so disappointed with the game when I played it originally, I'm still not sure I'm super down with it but I had thought it just sucked. The point that actual conspiracies don't end with that sort of catharsis is entirely accurate.