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Devastated that I have to accept that FMV games aren't for me and I can't be the level of hipster I longed to be. I like to multitask while gaming, having too much time to divert so much focus kills me.

Ultimately watched the cutscenes collection while Odin Sphering and I think what really makes the narrative sell is the complex friendship between Gabriel and Van Glower. They care about each other deeply, but Glower's ideology is just too poisoned for the relationship to last very long. Glower's still a blood purity noble guy, despite how much more reasonable he comes off compared to his peers. The man's too immortal to catch up to the modern etiquette. Thus, there's always a power imbalance in how Van Glower's entire life can pan out. Gabriel probably could live forever as a fellow wolf lad, but he ultimately can't stomach the living sacrifices that have occurred from Glower's existence. He's not a creepy German noble, he's just a normal slimeball. Slimeball on nobility violence was inevitable, despite their best efforts to make it work.

Real stunning game that my brain can't enjoy. Gotta respect it.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
