"Good evening, I'm Mikiko Sadamoto. I'm the most interesting character RGG studios has ever conceived."

I would really love more of these short stories. They don't even need to feature established characters (although feel free to make an exception for, say, Mikiko Sadamoto). The narrative gets streamlined, the character moments get more purpose and polish. While the Majima storyline of Kiwami 2 didn't do a lot for me, Kaito's adventure here really does excel as a deeper look into one of its leads.

Still, $30 is a pretty hefty price for a seven hour experience. The building blocks of Lost Judgment itself helps make a huge game around it, but I would love to implement a few substories to really expand on these shorter tales. Not anything crazy like the mainline games, a solid 5-10 side adventures at most. Maybe something featuring more from the game's other central character, Mikiko Sadamoto.

I also have to admit that I'm not sure Judgment's gameplay works in Kaito's hands all the time. Judgment excels in fluid combat, and Kaito's a slow beast. I already find the way characters maneuver in the Dragon engine to just feel off and Kaito's giant frame doesn't help much. Maybe if we were playing a more dexterous figure, perhaps in some kind of iconic long black trenchcoat, it wouldn't feel as finnicky.

But its hard to complain. I got it on sale and never felt a dull moment. I just find the flow of Yakuza games relaxing. It always works for me.

Oh, don't think I mentioned it, but Mikiko Sadamoto is pretty cool

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023

1 Comment

1 month ago

"Oh, don't think I mentioned it, but Mikiko Sadamoto is pretty cool" Wow so true