Music off, lights off, headphones on, this was an amazing action horror experience way ahead of its time.

A wonderful followup that is often just as fun to play as the original! (If only the creator wasn't such a bigoted douchebag.)

A beautiful, twisted, absurd piece of art that completely redefined my creative tastes from the moment I played it. (It's just too bad the creator is bigoted douchebag.)

I followed the development of this game across multiple issues of GamePro, and was so hot & heavy to play it when it came out. I loved how it reconceptualized the typical fighting game controller design. Of course, everyone else who played it was all "Why isn't this like Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/Samurai Showdown?" so I never found anyone else to play it with. Oh well. I still love everything about it.

An under-the-radar classic. Not the most forgiving game, but the concept was awesome and I had a lot of fun with it.

Really tricky and difficult, but probably the game that got me into isometric strategy combat.

The most punishing freaking game, which may have completely turned me off of it if not for the friends I played it with.

Ridiculously stupid, and also very easy to play and lots of fun.

Cool graphics! Kiiinda basic gameplay, but still fun!

I've been wanting to revisit this game. Much like the movie, I feel like I'm the only person who really enjoyed it.

In fifth grade, this was my path into connecting with my classmates.

The ultimate Capcom fighting game for me.

Not as satisfying as X-Men: CotA, but still a lot of fun!

That moment when my obsessions with SF2 and Marvel comics met in the wild. This game was gorgeous, and it being voiced by the X-Men animated series cast made it even better.

"Berserker barrage!"