Fun combat and level design (minus the final area) and some fun boss fights (only the main ones, the side ones are a joke, and there are 2 bad main boss fights). The bosses and combat aren't as good as something like hollow knight but they are fun enough in their own right.

The overall map design is ugly, confusing, not physically possible, and not actually 2D which makes it hard to conceptualize where everything is, which is why it's a god send that there is an easy fast travel system with generous locations. It's also really nice that they let you know on the map where there are unexplored routes you haven't found yet, and color the rooms based on whether you have found all the secrets in them or not.

The game isn't punishing on death like hollow knight or dark souls despite the familiar formula with save point benches.

The metroidvania power ups are cool and enhance the exploration is neat ways, though because I disliked the map I didn't feel the need to find all the secrets.

The story will probably appeal to some people. Personally, it didn't hit me at all, but I don't have any real problems with it.

The art is gorgeous (though some people might find it generic I guess).

The music is very good too.

Overall, it's a decent game. Worth getting on sale if you want to check out a new metroidvania and have played all the masterpieces of the genre already.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
