I'd love to give this a higher score because the art and soundtrack are simply phenomenal. Especially the main theme. It's remained stuck in my head ever since I played it.

The game just didn't age well at all. The AI for Yorda is absolutely infuriating and doesn't listen to directions well. I know the people who love this game would say "this is the point. she's not supposed to listen to you". To that, I say "who cares?". It's not fun. Likewise, the simple platforming is often unprecise and the enemy encounters are a button mashing fest.

Again, it's a gorgeous game but the game play does not hold up at all and that's where my opinion about this stems from. I'm sure I'd have a different perspective if I played on release.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2021


2 years ago

the people who love this game would just be confused as to why you struggled so much with its ai in the first place. same goes for the basic platforming

the COMBAT is where someone would say "it's not meant to be satisfying", though. a kid with a stick isn't gonna be a skilled fighter. if that kinda immersion isn't for you, then it isn't for you

2 years ago

the "gameplay does not hold up" is a weird sentiment, because the experience playing it today is exactly the same as it was at release, it isnt a question of how much people were willing to put up with it at the time vs now, it's a very specific type of experience that is just not gonna be able to cater to the majority of players. Even at release people complained about the AI and combat.

2 years ago

Oh I'm fine with having the "wrong" opinion on Ico. I know so many people hold this game very dear.

I wanted to enjoy it but I didn't. I found it to be boring and frustrating.
dont worry about them doucet, just some megaten douches