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While it's a cool progression for the series and I'd love to see this format expanded, the game's just tedious. Catching pokemon is the main priority and gets very dull due to how simple and repetitive it is. The visuals aren't very good either. I like the idea of the art direction, but you don't see the paintbrush Japanese aesthetic in the game. The environments are bland, the lighting isn't very good, foliage looks amateur. They really should have doubled down on shading and stylizing more. Combat has some neat changes, but I often got comboed by an enemy for reasons out of my control. I wish I liked this game more, but the fundamentals of the game just gets very dull. There's nothing interesting to find by exploring. Basically no monuments, cool events, memorable moments. It's just more regular pokemon, some items, or a small purple spirit. Nothing about this game draws me in.