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Jevil is my enemy for real that battle was hellish. This was so fun!! Loved the art style of course. I enjoyed how this felt similar to undertale taking aspects of it that I loved and thought were creative like the gameplay mechanics but switching it up by now having multiple party members and making it feel fresh in that way. The story is also good and I'm invested to see how it progresses. I think Susie is just misunderstood and what the hell does that ending of the chapter mean. Toby Fox always delivers with the music no surprise there and the battle music in this game is going to be on loop for months I fear. I didn't like the lack of consequences for actions throughout the game. That was a big part of undertale with the different endings for pacifist, neutral, and genocide and I'm not saying there needs to be all these endings because I imagine that would become astronomically difficult to have branching pathways for a game with multiple chapters because the branches will just build but I just wish there was something. I played the game by not attacking anything because I wanted to and there was no real purpose to doing so (beyond a few extra dialogue lines) which just feels antithetical especially considering that is what Ralsei urges. I also didn't enjoy how the final boss was a joke compared to Jevil and not saying it needed to be that level of difficulty but I would have liked a bit more of a challenge for the end. Overall, thought loving this game and excited to play chapter 2.

Not sure why I didn't play this back in 2021 when I played undertale for the first time but at least I won't have to wait as long for the next chapters. Also imagine my shock when I saw there were 7 chapters planned, this game isn't going to be completed until the late 2020s lol but I'll be seated from now on.

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
