I played the remastered version on the ps4.
The story is pretty good with some very good moments and Vergil was a very interesting character, probably better than dmc 5. Arkham was a decent antagonist but his fight was a bit of a letdown, it wasn't as great as I thought it would be due to his goofy transformation and those snake like things, it wasn't that good, thankfully Vergil saved by arriving and helping dante which was very epic, the combat is pretty much the same thing as 5 but you can't change styles wherever you want and you can only carry 2 weapons. The mission and level design was very intriguing, but I wasn't a fan of the back tracking it had after a certain point and the bosses were also pretty good overall. It was definitely harder than 5 not only because of the very little amount of gold orbs but also due to the fact you need to utilize a lot of mechanics while playing. Overall a great game and a pretty good experience