I never loved the original RTDL and while I appreciated it more this time, it still didn’t fully win me over. I think it has some of the most boring bosses and worlds of any Kirby game (aside from a few aspects) which is a shame.

Magolor is by far the most interesting aspect of this entry but even then he doesn’t really get to shine until the game is almost wrapped up. I do adore this game from like Halcandra onwards, but it’s just a shame you have to play through like 5 worlds before getting there lol.

The Lor boss fight is honestly one of my favorites in the franchise, it utilizing the same parts you retrieved for it in its attacks is just salt in the wound. Metal General and HR-D3 are also just awesome, always will appreciate good robots.

I feel like Super Abilities were pretty underwhelming, definitely one of the weaker gimmicks of a Kirby game, and I wish there would have been more differences between the Sphere Doomer variants to make them more interesting. But I do think the segments leading up to them are fun.

RTDL on its own is prolly a 3/5, but the content Deluxe added bumped it up for me. Magoland is super fun (I had more fun completing all its missions then playing the actual game imo) and I got excited over basically every mask that I unlocked. We even got a new Susie design!

Although it was a bit confusing as to why you unlocked mini-games with Energy Spheres in the regular game even though they were the same exact ones as the already unlocked ones in Magoland??? Was really weird. (Battle Royale Kirby Samurai was also beautiful.)

Magolor Epilogue was pretty cool, I wish it was a little longer but I think the upgrade progression was handled well and changing the length would’ve messed with that. Giving the gem apples lore is also very funny (albeit it was probably done as an ad for SKC).

RTDL is just in a weird place now. It released as the Kirby team finding their footing and as such it feels somewhat generic. Want a collect-a-thon? Just play Forgotten Land or Squeak Squad or even Great Cave Offensive as they do to better. Want multiplayer? Play Star Allies.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
