Smash bros Ultimate dlc characters RANKED

purely based on moveset, among other things, and personal preference of course. And is subject to change over time, because i may try out some more of these fighters more and gain more of an appreciation for them.

No. 7 Hero
Imma be honest, this is the point where i start to feel more and more indifferent to the characters, starting with these this guy. I dunno, just kinda there for me, like his magic meter is a good idea, but the bulk of this character is his whole menu move which i dunno, gets repetitve for me personally since you just go to the menu over and over and hope to get lucky. everything else is fine for me tho.
No 11. Steve
If this character was about purely the character, Steve would be at the absolute top, but im not, and his gameplay doesnt hold to well for me, take the problem i have with terry and multiply it to every move, it just becomes tedious and doesnt feel fun to me, personally. if most of his moves didnt use the whole material meter, he'd probably be in the top 5, but alas, he doesnt.
No. 8 Byleth
Outside of the fact its another FE character, imma be real and say they're the most diverse one to me, theyre weapons are more varied than sword, and for mainly a sword fighter thats pretty impressive, but the characters just sort of feels ok all in all, not the type of thing im into at the end of the day
No 3. Sephiroth
Wow Sephiroth was a huge surprise for me, his moves are great, and feel really powerful thanks to the animation of the character, best sword fighter in the game imo
No 6. Joker
Ah, the first smash bros ultimate dlc character, and a good one to start things off with, his moves are cool, and his meter is a good idea, not much else to say
No 1. Banjo
Damn this moveset just feels so fresh to me, Banjo is just so fluid to play and all of his moves are great, an absolute banger of a character.
No 10. Sora
To me, this seems like the most generic fighter in terms of moveset, his magic attacks? Hero has magic attacks too. Side B? Sephiroth. Down B? Any character that has a reflect. His multi hit combos with certain moves? Kazuya. And while that may be a great "best of" moveset for some, i dunno, it doesnt really sit well with me and makes them feel kinda generic, but it wouldnt ruin the character, he'd probably be up a few spots on this list if he didnt control so horribly, like why did yall have to make him feel like the button inputs are delayed lol.
No 12. Min Min
I know its a common joke to make fun of smash fans about how much they hate on min min, but honestly, i kinda have to agree, they just arent really that great to play, it feels like the only thing theyre good at is the range with nothing else, and the moves have no weight to them to give that smash bros flare, for me, at least.
No. 5 Pyra & Mythra
While i admit i havent played them much, the 2 in 1 combo allows for some unique attacks, but other than that, their attacks just seem fine, and pretty fun.
No 4. Piranha Plant
Who approved of this and why? despite how that sounds they're actually kinda fun? theyre moves are more comical than anything and honestly it kinda works, this ones kinda fun.
No 9. Terry
A worse Kazuya imo, the long button combo inputs, while probably work great for KOF, they dont really gel well with the playstyle of smash, and his other moves dont help his case for me, they all are just kinda there, for me at least. He just kinda exists.
No 2. Kazuya
Terry done right in my opinion, instead of having button combos that last 10 miles, Kazuyas are plentiful and short, which really gels well with the experimentation and style of smash bros. anyway, a character thats fun as hell, which is honestly all i can ask for.


Ye but rank the MUSIC SELECTIONS!

2 years ago

maybe one day I'll rank all the music in smash lmao

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