No. Never again.

I've played this game WAY more than I should have, If I'm being honest. That's what happens when you don't have very many games in your collection when you're young, and you've already played Spyro for the millionth time.

Everything in the JonTron and Caddicarus reviews are pretty much accurate. Tank controls with LITERALLY bare bones visuals, combined with poor hit detection, harsh acceleration and slippery breaking, punishing enemy placement, nebulous boss design, and an incredibly unfunny cast of characters that pretend to by part of the cast of Looney Toons.

The only reason I have this game still is to be set as a reminder of what NOT to do when making a platformer.

If I'm going to give it any praise... it's that the underwater controls aren't as awful. Surprisingly decent, if still operating on tank controls.

To put it lightly, stay the hell away from this game, unless you want a harsh lesson on what a bad platformer actually looks like.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023
