Log Status






Time Played

15h 7m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

April 10, 2024

First played

April 8, 2024

Platforms Played


An excellent map pack altogether, but of what I've played of Quake so far it also had the most instances of actual bugs and errors. I was locked in the final encounter of Obsessive Brick Disorder when a scripted monster spawn didn't trigger properly. I had to replay a large chunk of the level. Elsewhere I observed some weird shadows and texture z-fighting in a few spots. Not sure if this is a vkquake issue or not.

One of my chief complaints surrounding the original Quake is how limited its bestiary is, and what I most appreciate about Arcane Dimensions is how it rounds out the roster with a plethora of welcome additions. Now it's not just Scrags flying around in the skies.

I'm not too fond of how the new weapons are implemented though, serving as replacements upon pickup, with no way to revert. They are effectively "upgrades" but there were times I wished I had access to the replaced firearms to enable slightly more optimal ammo usage. The new powerups are also quite underwhelming.

Minor misgivings aside, this is a standout release for quake and another must-play for FPS fans. It serves well as a nice intermediary between Quake and Wrath AoR. Sharing a few map authors between the two projects, and showcasing a similar excessively large style of idTech2 mapping.