Log Status






Time Played

5h 41m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Sensaround, at least v3, crashes the game hard. The OST definitely sounds different in this version, because DOSbox has Adlib emulation out of the box. Leading to a less harsh OST overall. There might also be some weird timing issues too. There's ways to reconfigure the the MIDI playback to use a different soundfont, but DOSbox "just werks".
I almost miss the weird DOS controls tbh. I'll probably just play through Classic again next time and use the rebinding menu for a slightly more convenient layout. Mouselook isn't actually necessary to enjoy System Shock imo. The faster turning radius enabled by mouslook also actually tangibly changes the tension and pacing of the game.

This is an adequate way to experience System Shock 1, but in its current state it can't truly be considered the definitive version to play.