one of the best 2D Kirby Games remastered with a fresh coat of paint that looks gorgeous. The game finds that perfect length of not being too short but not overstaying its welcome. The game is admittedly easy compared to the majority of games but if you looking for a relaxing, fun time then it fulfills its purpose. There is also an extra mode that increases the difficulty for the majority of bosses and enemies if you're looking for more of a challenge. Now I truly would rate this game 4 stars if were solely the main mode however the new extra content truly elevates the experience. Merry Magoland is this game's minigame collection. The majority of minigames are fun and great with friends. There is also a significant group of unlockables to keep you trying to improve your high score.
The highlight of the extra modes is the magolor epilogue that feels reminiscent of Metroidvania in some ways. Amidttley it is short but it is extremely fun and has a great climax. The only minor complaint comes in the way of the price. This game is best compared to a variety pack, taking the best pieces of Kirby games and combing them into a worthwhile experience.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023
