The Gameplay is mid

But god is the story an incredible journey of two people learning to become themselves and then it all stripped away from them so suddenly. The tragedy of the sea salt trio will live on in the KH saga as one of the most tragic and best written. Roxas and Xion are both so well written and fantastic characters who we both learn to love and cherish. Axel is also a great character with his own flaws which I really loved as well. I would love to see this sort of in-depth character writing again in the series in the future. I think the ‘side games’ would make great use of this while the mainline numbered titles continue to be a continuous spectacle of games.

If you are gonna experience this story. It is best to do so with the cutscenes provided on the HD Remix’s
(Ranking is for Story)

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2024
