While nearing the bottom of this list, Metroid II was where I really found my place with this series. I went into Metroid expecting to not like either of the first two games. I was surprised by how much I liked the first game but I was floored by how much I loved the second. It isn't the most mind-blowing or inventive game, not then or now, but I admire what it was able to accomplish on the Game Boy. Samus looks less cartoony and feels a lot better to play. After Super Mario Land, it's a nice refresher to see a Game Boy game actually one-up its NES counterpart in those regards. I'll gladly sacrifice color if it means Samus has this much of an upgrade.

Also, this was the moment that I noticed I don't mind linear design in Metroid. This would later be more relevant when I played Fusion, but Metroid II offers a similar idea: Take the player down a path but let them explore it as they like. You can still find secrets throughout the entire map, even if that map is often linear. This is helped by the size of the rooms which, in comparison to the first game, are structured less like hallways and more like open caverns. It isn't as if they are neverending, but they are more engaging to explore than any single area of the first game.

I also was surprised by the story of the game. While simple, it effectively makes the player question why they or Samus would wipe out a species on the merits that another species could take advantage of them. It doesn't feel right killing the queen or her children, but it suggests that it must be done. The ending is poetically beautiful and sets the tone for Super Metroid, where the story becomes fully realized. The first game may be more important to the series in design but this game is more important for the story going forward.

Ultimately, this game is limited by its devices but not overly flawed. It was surpassed many times over by its sequels, but that doesn't mean this wasn't a good step in the right direction. In fact, this game paved the way forward.

*This review was originally written as a note for my Metroid: Best to Worst list.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2021
