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This game doesn't have any mighty b rep in it and that's unforgivable

I played the arcade mode twice and like, I still am having a hard time figuring out how it's different from just playing a random cpu match, and I played like an hour of the online play, and I feel like I've experienced everything I'll get out of this game. I've only played as korra so far and I intend on keeping it that way because she's the only character that looks fun. Her moveset is mostly just "lul no, fuck you" and I mean disrespecting with her moves on online was fun I guess, but over all this game really just needed more development time. And more server space evidently because I only experienced one lag free match and had one match completely die on me while playing online.

Cartoon Network Punchtime Explosion is by far the better game, even if its gameplay may not be as good. It has a fun story mode where all the characters you know and love act in character and interact with one another which is the point of a crossover, and it has a much larger roaster and even has weird terrible minigames during its story mode, like at least that game felt like it had some thought put into it.

This game, while it is fun to constantly deny the other player doing anything as Korra, sucks. There's nothing to do in it, you don't unlock any characters, you don't unlock any extra features that matter, literally the only reason this game exists is for the raw gameplay, which makes no sense considering this is a game that is a crossover of a bunch of beloved characters and Oblina, who gives a shit about the gameplay, I'm here for spongebob, but nothing "spongebob" happens in this game, there's some stages based on spongebob, spongebob and patrick and sandy are in the game, but there isn't anything spongebob about those elements, especially since there isn't cutscenes or unlockable conversations or some shit, listen man I just want to see the funny characters be funny.

Idk, I spent an hour and a half in this game and only as one character and I already feel like I got out of the game everything I'm gonna get out of it.