There is lots to love here like the artsytle and the crypitc storytelling. The whole game feels like a modern continuation of Zelda 1 in a bleak yet beautiful world.

But I want to talk about that soundtrack which in my opinion should be in discussion for the best videogame soundtrack ever. It is not great because you can hum along to a melody or because it feels grand and adventurous. No, this soundtrack is dry and dreary yet beautiful. It beats you down with droning and sharp synths but just like the world of Hyper Light Drifter it still finds little moments to break the sadness. Maybe a little melody floats along and leaves just as suddenly. Or out of the droning ambiance a real guitar sound emerges for just a moment. But then you enter a fight and the droning becomes sharp and rumbling again. It is not a soundtrack where a specific song will stay with you but the mood certainly will.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
