This will be one of the hottest takes I ever drop on the internet, but I just don't get the appeal. And I mean that about all of South Park, not just The Stick of Truth.

The Stick of Truth, to its credit, is genuinely a really fun turn-based RPG. And I'm sure for fans of the show it's perfect - because it feels like you're playing an episode of the show. I just don't really understand what's so appealing about that.

None of these characters are likable, its humor is incredibly childish, and when it's trying to be edgy and overly offensive, it just ends up being cringeworthy. It's not saying anything that wasn't said hundreds of times by "stand-up comedians" in the 2000s. None of the pop-culture references go beyond the surface level or have any meaningful commentary to them. This feels like it was written by an elementary school kid who watched South Park at an age where they shouldn't have, and entered an "edgy humor" phase they never grew out of.

It's a really ironic self-fulfilling prophecy.

But yeah, I just don't get it. When I was a kid and less "woke" I'm sure I would've found this hilarious - and I'd go back and punt that version of myself if I could.

Maybe I'll return to this someday, because again, it's genuinely fun and for those that this means something to, it's very faithful to the show. I had a blast being a menace to this town and looting everyone's drawers. But the source material just isn't for me, which means The Stick of Truth isn't, either. And that's okay.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
